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Traveling Internationally with Kids: A Journey of Growth and Discovery

Jun 8

4 min read



Hello, fellow adventurers! This is Chrissy Clary. Today, I want to delve into one of my favorite pastimes. It combines the joy of exploration with eating: picnicking. I love how nostalgic it is to picnic. It makes me think about days full of love and sunshine. Let's explore the art of picnicking and some tips to make it fun and easy.

The Joy of Exploration

It opens up a world of wonder and learning. We have had many unforgettable moments in our travels. They have taught my son Calvin and me a lot. He traveled from the vibrant Streets of Tokyo to the serene beaches of Costa Rica. Each place offered unique chances for Calvin to grow and learn.

One of our best trips was exploring Costa Rica. It has lush rainforests and stunning beaches. Calvin was in awe of the diverse wildlife, from the colorful birds to the curious iguanas. Zip-lining through the canopy was thrilling. Sipping a cold Fanta in an open-air restaurant was simple joy. These experiences enriched his understanding of the world and deepened our bond.

Benefits of Traveling with Kids

  1. Cultural Awareness: Traveling exposes children to different cultures, traditions, and ways of life. It fosters empathy and understanding, teaching them to appreciate diversity. Calvin has been to many countries. This has made him more open and respectful of other cultures.

  2. Adaptability and Resilience: Navigating new environments helps children develop adaptability and problem-solving skills. Travel teaches kids to be flexible and resilient. They learn to communicate in new languages and handle unexpected changes.

  3. Travel offers hands-on learning: It gives experiences that can't be had in a classroom. Children explore ancient ruins. They hike through natural wonders. They engage with local communities. In doing these things, history, geography, and science come to life.

  4. Strengthened Family Bonds: Shared adventures create lasting memories and strengthen family bonds. Our travels gave Calvin and me many stories. We cherish and reminisce about them.

Tips for Traveling Internationally with Kids

  1. Plan Ahead: Research your destination thoroughly and plan kid-friendly activities. When creating an itinerary, consider your children's interests and energy levels. When we went to Japan, my parents came along, and mom helped with much of the planning. She found a great resource for hiring private tour guides in each town we visited. In the end, it was cheaper than a group tour. We got to see a lot and to connect with the area through the eyes of a local guide.

  2. Pack Smart: Bring essential items such as comfortable clothing, snacks, and entertainment. A well-packed travel bag can make a big difference. It keeps kids happy and busy during long journeys. Keep in mind it is different for each adventure. If you are going to one place (hotel or cruise ship), you can pack one big bag and get help with it. If you are traveling across a country, expect to be getting on and off buses and trains. Take small luggage and backpacks. In some countries like Japan, you can have your bags shipped from one town to the next without much trouble. You need to plan.

  3. Stay Flexible: Prepare to adjust your plans as necessary. Kids get tired or overwhelmed. So, it's essential to schedule in rest and downtime. We were on a group tour in Costa Rica with EFTours, and they can pack a lot into the itinerary. One day of the trip, we stayed back at the hotel, a pretty nice resort, and just relaxed. After we rested, we were ready to go the next day. We also opted to extend our trip an extra day to rest before heading home.

  4. Involve the kids: Engage your children in the planning process. Let them help choose activities or destinations. This involvement makes them feel invested in the trip. It also makes them more excited about the adventure. We've gone to Japan because Calvin was getting very interested in the art of war and the machines that make wars. We started talking a lot about the Enola Gay and the airplane that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima. When I heard that, it became very important for me to help him understand the other side of the story. We'd already been planning an international trip for some time. So, I decided Japan was a great option for him. He could see a very different culture. He could learn about the history of the country and the US-Japan relationship.

  5. Keep It Fun: Turn travel into a fun learning experience. Play games. Make travel journals. Encourage your kids to document their experiences with photos and drawings.

  6. Stay safe: Ensure you have all the needed travel papers. These include passports and visas. Keep a close eye on your kids in busy areas and have a plan in case you get separated. Research the places you're going before you show up. Understand their customs and procedures for emergencies. I identify a safe space to meet if anyone should get lost. Make it public and very obvious. It should be a landmark they could describe in a different language. Talk to your insurance, credit card, and phone companies before leaving the country. In some countries, you can rent portable wifi devices. You can carry them if your phones don't work abroad.

Cherishing the Moments

Traveling with kids can be challenging, but the rewards far outweigh the difficulties. Watching Calvin's eyes light up as he discovers something new. Or his excitement as he tries a local delicacy for the first time. It makes every moment worth it. These experiences expanded his horizons. They also brought us closer.

As you start your own family adventures, remember to embrace the journey. Do it with an open heart and a sense of wonder. The world is vast and lovely. Exploring it with your children is one of the best gifts you can give them. 

Thank you for being part of our Wander 'Bout community. Stay tuned for more stories and tips on exploring the world around you. Happy travels!


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