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Key West Chickens: The Feathered Residents You Can’t Ignore

Discover the quirky charm of Key West’s wild chickens and roosters roaming freely through the streets.

As you stroll through the streets of Key West, the wild chickens and roosters quickly bcoame your feathery companions. They strutted around cafés, crowed from rooftops, and ambled along sidewalks with an air of authorit, as if they were the unofficial mayor of this tropical paradise.

These feathered friends have been part of the Key West landscape since the 1800s, when settlers brought them over for food and, let’s be honest, some rather questionable entertainment. But it wasn’t until the 1950s, after a hurricane wiped out many cockfighting venues, that the chicken population really took off—talk about a poultry party!

Now, they’re a beloved icon of the island, and while they might be a little too friendly for their own good, they’re also essential for keeping the local insect population in check. So, if you find yourself in Key West, keep an eye out for these charming cluckers; they’re a delightful part of the scenery!


Iconic Key West residents


Clucking and crowing everywhere


Not just a nuisance


Historical significance


Natural pest control


Protected by the city

Here’s what you need to know about the wild chickens of Key West:

  • Historical Roots: Chickens have been roaming these streets since the 1800s, brought by settlers for food and cockfighting. After a hurricane in the 1950s, they multiplied like rabbits—if rabbits had feathers and a penchant for crowing at dawn.

  • Cultural Icons: These chickens are now a cherished part of Key West culture, with locals and tourists alike snapping photos of their antics. You’ll see them basking in the sun, pecking for snacks, or simply enjoying the Key West lifestyle.

  • Feeding Guidelines: While it might be tempting to toss them a crumb or two, feeding the chickens isn’t recommended. It can lead to them relying on humans for food, which isn’t great for their health or the local ecosystem.

  • Legal Protection: Yes, you heard that right! These feathery friends are protected by the city, which means they can roam freely as long as they’re not causing chaos.

  • Pest Control: Beyond their quirky charm, these chickens play a vital role in controlling pests like insects and scorpions, making them the unsung heroes of the island.

So, next time you’re wandering through Key West, take a moment to appreciate these delightful chickens—they’re not just a part of the scenery; they’re part of the island’s quirky charm!

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